What is Poke in Marvel Rivals?

What is Poke in Marvel Rivals?

In Marvel RivalsPoke refers to a playstyle where players deal damage from a distance without fully engaging in direct combat. A poke team composition consists of heroes that can deal substantial damage at range while remaining out of the enemy’s reach. Characters like Hawkeye or Hela excel in this strategy, using their abilities to harass enemies, weaken them, and secure victories from a safe distance.

Why is Poke Important in Marvel Rivals?

  1. Safe Damage Dealing: The key to Poke is dealing damage without risking getting close to enemies, making it an ideal strategy for heroes who thrive at long range.
  2. Team Composition: A poke team is typically composed of ranged damage dealers who can dish out high damage while staying out of harm’s way. This composition can wear down enemies over time without committing to full team fights.
  3. Pressure from Afar: Poke compositions put constant pressure on the enemy, forcing them to react and potentially make mistakes. This can be especially effective when combined with crowd control or other utility abilities.

How Poke Works in Marvel Rivals

  • Ranged AttacksPoke relies on ranged abilities that allow heroes to deal damage without getting close to the enemy. Heroes like Hawkeye can attack from a distance while positioning themselves safely behind their teammates.
  • Harassing and Chipping Away: The goal of Poke is to whittle down the enemy’s health over time. By continuously applying pressure from a safe distance, poke heroes can weaken the enemy and set up more favorable engagements.
  • No Full Engagement: Unlike other playstyles that require full team fights, Poke is all about selectively engaging. Poke heroes avoid direct confrontations and focus on hitting enemies when they are most vulnerable.

Tips for Poking Effectively in Marvel Rivals

  • Keep Your Distance: The core of a Poke strategy is staying out of range of enemy threats. Use your ranged abilities wisely, and always position yourself in spots where you can deal damage without being easily countered.
  • Focus on High-Value Targets: As a poke hero, you should prioritize squishy targets (such as healers or damage dealers) who are more vulnerable to your ranged damage.
  • Use Crowd Control: Pairing poke damage with crowd control abilities (such as stuns or slows) can prevent enemies from closing the distance or escaping, making it easier to deal consistent damage.
  • Team Coordination: Although poke heroes focus on distance, they still need support from their team. Coordinate with tanks and supports to ensure you’re protected while dealing damage.


Poke is an effective strategy in Marvel Rivals, focused on dealing damage from a distance without engaging in full-on combat. Heroes like Hawkeye and Hela excel in poke compositions, using their ranged abilities to apply consistent pressure on enemies. By understanding the importance of positioning, timing, and team coordination, you can make the most out of a poke playstyle and turn the tide of battle in your favor.

Key Takeaways

  • Poke refers to dealing damage at range without fully engaging in combat.
  • poke team composition relies on heroes that can damage from a safe distance, like Hawkeye or Hela.
  • Positioningcrowd control, and team support are essential to a successful poke strategy.

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