What is an Entry Fragger in VALORANT?

In VALORANT, an Entry Fragger is a key role that sets the tone for an attack. This player typically leads the team into a bomb site and is often the first to engage with the enemy. As the name suggests, they are responsible for getting the “entry” into the fight, usually by breaking through the enemy’s defenses and creating space for the rest of their team. The Entry Fragger is an essential part of an offensive strategy, even if it means taking risks.
Key Role of an Entry Fragger
An Entry Fragger’s main job is to clear the way for their team, opening up a bombsite or securing key positions. They are often the ones to engage with enemies directly, sometimes at the cost of their own life, but with the hope of securing a trade or forcing the enemies into awkward positions. As a result, Entry Fraggers often end up with higher death rates compared to other roles, but their value lies in the opportunities they create for their teammates.
For example, an Entry Fragger may rush into a site with their weapon drawn and their abilities ready, trying to clear out common enemy spots or force enemies to reveal themselves. Their goal is to secure a quick kill or at least gather crucial information. Their success allows their team to follow up with a clean sweep of the bombsite, ideally securing the round.
Characteristics of a Good Entry Fragger
- Aggressive Playstyle: Entry Fraggers need to play aggressively, pushing forward with the aim to take control of a site. They typically need to engage the enemy head-on, relying on their reflexes and accuracy to secure a kill.
- Good Aim and Reflexes: Since the Entry Fragger is the first to engage in a fight, having exceptional aim and fast reflexes is crucial to avoid being overwhelmed by enemy fire.
- Knowledge of the Map and Angles: A skilled Entry Fragger is well-versed in the map and knows where enemies are likely to hide. This knowledge can give them an edge in catching opponents off guard and securing kills.
- Risk-Taker: Because the Entry Fragger often leads the charge, they are the first to face danger. Taking calculated risks is a big part of their role, and sometimes it’s about creating space, not just kills.
Recommended Agents for Entry Fragger

In VALORANT, Duelists like Jett, Reyna, and Raze are typically the best choices for Entry Fragger roles. These agents have mobility or offensive abilities that allow them to quickly get in and out of danger, making them perfect for leading an attack. For example, Jett’s Tailwind allows her to dash into the fight, while Reyna’s Dismiss gives her the ability to reposition after securing a kill.
Duelists are also favored for Entry Fragger because they can take the lead and perform well even if they die in the process. These agents rely on their skillset to gain an advantage and provide enough space for the rest of the team to follow up.
Why is the Entry Fragger Important?
Without a strong Entry Fragger, your team might struggle to initiate successful attacks. The role is crucial for ensuring that your team is not left at a disadvantage. A good Entry Fragger will draw enemy attention, force out abilities, and create opportunities for others to capitalize on.
Even though the Entry Fragger may sometimes die early in the round, the tradeoff is that they’ve given their teammates a fighting chance. By charging in first and taking on the brunt of the opposition, they allow their teammates to follow in and clean up or secure the round.
In summary, the Entry Fragger is the tip of the spear when it comes to attacking in VALORANT. Though the role comes with risks, it can be extremely rewarding for a team that works together. A strong Entry Fragger, paired with excellent team coordination, can dictate the tempo of a round and give the attacking team a significant edge in any fight.
By knowing how to engage enemies, gather information, and create space, the Entry Fragger plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the attack succeeds and the bombsite is taken.
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