What is an Exit Fragger in VALORANT?

What is an Exit Fragger in VALORANT?

In VALORANT, strategic gameplay is the key to victory, and each player has a unique role to play on their team. One crucial role that often flies under the radar is the Exit Fragger. While their job may not be as flashy as the entry fragger, who leads the charge at the start of the round, the Exit Fragger plays an equally important part in securing rounds and ensuring the team’s success.

Understanding the Role of the Exit Fragger

An Exit Fragger’s main objective is to “clean up” after the entry fragger has initiated the push into a site. The exit fragger typically follows up on the action, hunting down remaining opponents, or securing the round objective, such as planting or defusing the spike. Their role is about timing and precision, making sure the team capitalizes on their opening and finishes strong.

While exit fragging is often seen as the cleanup job, it is a high-stakes role that can decide the outcome of a round, especially when the team is holding an advantage. By securing kills during the post-plant phase or right before the round ends, the Exit Fragger helps maintain control of the bombsite or prevents enemies from retaking successfully.

The Timing and Strategy of Exit Fragging

Timing is crucial for an Exit Fragger. The most important part of their job is waiting for the right moment to strike. After the entry fraggers have gone in and caused chaos, the exit fragger needs to enter and clean up whatever threats remain. They should be the last line of defense for their team, preventing any counterattacks or retakes from the enemy.

In post-plant situations, Exit Fraggers are typically positioned to hold or retake control of the bombsite. If they’re in a retake scenario, they should be ready to take down any defenders who attempt to defuse the spike. If they’re on the attacking side, they must monitor the site for lurking enemies who may try to take out the bomb carrier or disrupt the team’s progress.

Economic Impact of the Exit Fragger

The Exit Fragger can also have an economic impact on the game. Sometimes, the role extends beyond securing kills and objectives. In situations where the round is almost over, an Exit Fragger might aim to get a final kill or two to weaken the enemy’s economy, making it harder for the opponent to buy weapons or abilities in the following round. This economic pressure can be just as crucial as winning the round itself, as it reduces the enemy team’s ability to fight back effectively in subsequent rounds.

Recommended Agents for Exit Fragging

phoenix a duelist in valorant we recommend to use as an exit fragger

While every agent can take on the role of an Exit Fragger, Duelists are often ideal due to their self-sufficiency and offensive capabilities. Agents like ReynaJett, and Phoenix can excel in this role, thanks to their abilities that allow them to heal, reposition, or take on multiple enemies at once.

Reyna can heal herself and get stronger with each kill, making her a strong Exit Fragger. Jett has excellent mobility and can quickly reposition to catch opponents off-guard. Phoenix has a self-revive ability, which can be useful in case things go south during a post-plant phase, allowing him to make a comeback and secure kills.


While Entry Fraggers often get the spotlight, the role of the Exit Fragger in VALORANT is just as critical. This player ensures the team finishes rounds strong, cleaning up opponents or securing objectives like the spike. Timing, strategy, and the ability to pressure the enemy’s economy are all essential components of successful exit fragging. So, next time you’re watching a pro play or jumping into a match, remember: The Exit Fragger is just as important as the entry fragger in winning those crucial rounds.

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